Do Contact Tracers Need to Protect Themselves with Professional Liability Insurance?
Of all the new terms to come out of the pandemic, one that really sticks out is contact tracers. This is a new profession adjacent to medical workers in which a person is hired to keep track of individuals who have contracted COVID-19 or who have been in contact with someone who has recently been…
Read MoreTelehealth Rules Relaxed During Pandemic
Understanding What is Currently Permitted and Reimbursed Although telehealth has been part of the healthcare landscape for years, the recent COVID-19 global pandemic has catapulted it into the limelight. Before 2020, strict rules and regulations limited the use of telehealth technologies, and Medicare, Medicaid, and many insurance companies would not reimburse for the majority of…
Read MoreTelehealth is More Than Just Video Appointments
In recent years, there’s been a convergence between technological innovation and the healthcare industry. In their effort to transition towards a value-based care model, care providers are constantly testing and trying nascent technologies to see more patients, improve the quality of care, and reduce costs. This shifting mentality towards how to approach care was slowing…
Read MorePharmacists: Which Specialty Is Right for You?
Whether you’re deep in school pursuing your PharmD, recently graduated, or currently employed as a pharmacist, it’s never too early—or too late—to pursue the job you want. Nearly 60% of pharmacists work in retail. Some find immense job satisfaction in serving the public. They love providing on-the-spot counsel, navigating insurance companies to get the best…
Read MoreA Guide to Medical Director Insurance and the Costs
Medical directors play an important role in the management, coordination, and operational oversight of health-related facilities. Their goal? Ensure the delivery of quality healthcare, treatment and compliance. Yet, governing a medical facility carries significant responsibilities and risks that greatly differ from the typical liabilities medical practitioners would encounter. As a result, many of the present…
Read MoreBecome a COVID-19 Contact Tracer
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the entire world over the last year in more ways than one. Economies are suffering, and multiple restrictions are being placed on citizens, not to mention the devastating death toll seen all over the world. Hospitals have been overwhelmed at times with an influx of patients with COVID-19, placing…
Read MoreLab Technicians: Is a Travel Job Right for You?
Nearly every career has an “appreciation day” set aside once a year. But did you know lab technicians enjoy an entire appreciation week? And for good reason: You are the unsung heroes of medical facilities. Your attention to detail can save lives. And at the moment, you are working over-time to process millions of COVID…
Read MoreCyber Liability and HIPAA Compliance
Every day the world becomes more digitized as we move more and more data into the cloud. All industries gain efficiency, automation and increased performance. This is especially true in healthcare where patient records have become more accessible to providers, allowing them to give us better care and improve health outcomes. We welcome the efficiency…
Read MoreCost of a HIPAA Violation
Patients share critical health related information with caregivers and health organizations with the belief that their data will be kept confidential. Any breach of data confidentiality can lead to critical patient information being leaked to unwanted sources and can cause people to lose trust in their health provider. The HIPAA privacy rule was enacted in…
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